Moda Online
Queen Bedroom Suite Special
Queen Bedroom Suite Special
Option 1: Raven Queen Bedroom Suite 4PC
Raven bedroom suite is a handsome country style aged pine range with smooth runners and lead light glass.
A solid range with a mixed traditional and contemporary profile. Raven makes a statement with its solid and chunky look, distressed finish and bold lines.
This spectacular Raven Bedroom suite includes the following :
1 x Queen Bed frame
2 x Bed sides
1 x Tallboy
Special Price: $3299 or $25 p/wk*
*(Weekly Prices are calculated on first 12 Months Interest Free on 36 Months Term Contract )
Option 2: Raven Dining Suite 9PC
1 X 2.4M Dining Table
8 x Dining Chairs
Special Price: $2999 or $23 p/wk*
*(Weekly Prices are calculated on first 12 Months Interest Free on 36 Months Term Contract )
Option 3: Raven Dresser with Mirror
Special Price: $1299 or $10 p/wk*